Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house o การแปล - Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house o มาเลย์ วิธีการพูด

Once upon a time there were three l

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house of straw while the second pig built his house with sticks. They built their houses very quickly and then sang and danced all day because they were lazy. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks.
A big bad wolf saw the two little pigs while they danced and played and thought, “What juicy tender meals they will make!” He chased the two pigs and they ran and hid in their houses. The big bad wolf went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in minutes. The frightened little pig ran to the second pig’s house that was made of sticks. The big bad wolf now came to this house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in hardly any time. Now, the two little pigs were terrified and ran to the third pig’s house that was made of bricks.
The big bad wolf tried to huff and puff and blow the house down, but he could not. He kept trying for hours but the house was very strong and the little pigs were safe inside. He tried to enter through the chimney but the third little pig boiled a big pot of water and kept it below the chimney. The wolf fell into it and died.
The two little pigs now felt sorry for having been so lazy. They too built their houses with bricks and lived happily ever after.
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ผลลัพธ์ (มาเลย์) 1: [สำเนา]
suatu masa dahulu terdapat tiga babi kecil. satu babi membina sebuah rumah jerami manakala babi kedua membina rumahnya dengan batang. mereka membina rumah-rumah mereka dengan cepat dan kemudian menyanyi dan menari sepanjang hari kerana mereka malas. babi ketiga sedikit bekerja keras sepanjang hari dan membina rumahnya dengan batu bata.
serigala buruk yang besar melihat dua babi sedikit masa lagi mereka menari dan bermain dan berfikir,."Apa makanan tender berair mereka akan membuat!" Dia dikejar dua babi dan mereka berlari dan bersembunyi di rumah-rumah mereka. serigala buruk yang besar pergi ke rumah yang pertama dan huffed dan sombong dan meletupkan rumah ke bawah dalam beberapa minit. babi sedikit yang ketakutan berlari ke rumah babi kedua yang diperbuat daripada kayu. serigala buruk yang besar kini datang ke rumah ini dan huffed dan sombong dan meletupkan rumah ke bawah dalam masa hampir tidak ada. sekarang,kedua-dua babi sedikit amat ketakutan dan berlari ke rumah babi ketiga yang diperbuat daripada batu-bata.
serigala buruk yang besar cuba untuk marah-marah dan sedutan dan meletupkan rumah ke bawah, tetapi dia tidak boleh. dia terus cuba untuk jam tetapi rumah itu sangat kuat dan babi kecil adalah selamat di dalam. dia cuba untuk masuk melalui cerobong tetapi babi ketiga sedikit rebus periuk besar air dan disimpan ia di bawah cerobong.serigala jatuh ke dalamnya dan mati.
dua babi sedikit sekarang berasa kasihan kerana telah jadi malas. mereka juga dibina rumah-rumah mereka dengan batu-bata dan hidup bahagia selama-lamanya.
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