From Bangkok to Laos
by plane: the Lao airlines from the airport, the price is to เดียวอ is about you, 4 700 baht / TG, price 6600% expensive both. Another alternative is to sit the plane of Air Asia from Bangkok to Udon Thani. The price is about 1,300 baht. Then the car from Udon Thani to Vientiane again. Air conditioner Asia to reach the north about 17.30.Which may cross the border. The van from the airport to the transport and transfer to Vientiane. See the table below
car trips by car:
.- to help ride the tour which has to choose many companies go down, Udon Thani, Nong Khai, or Khon Kaen, then a to Vientiane (schedule below)
.- to Savannakhet. Take a tour bus on Moonstone Then a from Mukdahan to Savannakhet (schedule below)
- Pakse. Get in the car to Ubon Ratchathani, Then a to Pakse (schedule below)
.Udon Thani - Vientiane / Vientiane - Udon
schedule Udon Thani - Vientiane: station เดินรถอุดรธานี telephone 042-221489
time. The station of origin, time, source, fare fare
08.00 bus 77 baht 10 Udon Thani station.30 Vientiane 22 000 hoof
11.30 bus station, Udon Thani 77 baht 14.00 Vientiane, 22 000 hoof
16.00 Station walking car 77 baht 18.00 Vientiane, Udon Thani 22 000 hoof
Khai - Vientiane. / Vientiane - Nong Khai
.Schedule of Nong Khai - Vientiane: bus station to Nong Khai. Telephone 042-412679
time the originating station fare, time, source, fare
07.30. Nong Khai station bus 55 baht 09.30 Vientiane, 15 000 hoof
12.40 bus station 55 baht 14 Nong Khai.30 Vientiane 15 000 hoof
15.30 bus station, Nong Khai 55 baht 18.00 Vientiane, 15 000 hoof
Khon Kaen - Vientiane. / Vientiane - Khon Kaen
schedule Khon Kaen - Vientiane: bus station Khon Kaen telephone 044 -237300
.When the originating station fare, time from bus station fare
07.45 Khon Kaen 180 baht 15.30 นครห in Vientiane, 50 000 hoof
Nakhon Ratchasima - Vientiane. / Vientiane - Korat
schedule Korat - Vientiane:Nakhon Ratchasima station bus telephone 044-254964 or 1490 called trapezoid
time the originating station fare, time from bus station fare
07.30 Nakhon Ratchasima 320 baht 07.30 Vientiane, 81 600 hoof
Ubon Ratchathani - mouth of se. Laos - / Ubon
.Schedule of Ubon - Laos: bus station, Ubon Ratchathani, telephone 045-314299
time the originating station fare, time, source, fare
07.30. The bus station 200 baht 14.30 Pakse, Ubon Ratchathani 56 000 hoof
07.30 bus station 200 baht 56 15.30 Pakse, Ubon Ratchathani000 hoof
- Mukdahan 9 Savannakhet. / Savannakhet - Mukdahan
schedule Mukdahan SAVAN designated a station bus Mukdahan telephone 042611478
at the originating station fare. The time from bus station fare
08.15 Mukdahan 45 baht 10.30, Savannakhet 12 000 hoof
09.00 bus station Mukdahan 45 baht 11.15, Savannakhet 12 000 hoof
09.45 bus station Mukdahan 45 baht 12.30, Savannakhet 12 000 hoof
13.30. Bus station Mukdahan 45 baht 16.30, Savannakhet 12 000 hoof
14.30 bus station 17 Mukdahan 45 baht.30, Savannakhet 12 000 hoof
15.30 bus station Mukdahan 45 baht 19.00, Savannakhet 12 000 hoof
Chiang Mai - Luang Prabang - way new reputation
Chiang Mai - Luang Prabang - way new reputation
time. The station of origin, time, source, fare fare
09.00 Mai 1500 baht 17.00 Luang Prabang 1500)
- Luang Prabang -
- Luang Prabang -
time the originating station fare, time, source, fare
08.00. It 700 baht 07.00 Luang Prabang, 175 000 hoof
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