Introduction to
.Currently, the technological progress, incontinent. Cause social development rapidly. Creating and application of modern innovation continuously. Resulting in human daily life more comfortableNamely, economic, medical, agriculture, industry, business, the management of public and private, including the
.Education is very important. Since education is instrumental in the development of human life quality, raise the well-being of human beings better. However, the study did not just limited in the school. But the students can.Along with modern technology makes human beings can reach the easier, more technology came to play an important role on teaching and dissemination of knowledge in all fields including Folk wisdom.But can convey knowledge and experience through other channels simultaneously. Besides how to publish, knowledge also can take a variety of forms. Whether it is text, images, audio, animation, or take everything.Make the knowledge more interesting. The teacher or the relay. To use the model how to provide appropriate students considered the important target groups, including channels.Whether it is equipment, including computer, notebook, tablet, or even mobile phones that modify the style came to be. Users can send and receive data from all over the world through the Internet Network
.According to the national education act of 2542 amendment of 2545 and revised version, 3 BC2553 focus on technology. The focus is to encourage and support the media production equipment and materials, and technology education. Students are eligible to receive the capacity development to use.In order to enhance the learning management. And to create educational opportunities. Not limited to the classroom. But the students can learn all the time and place!The progress of the Internet. Computer and communications technology, causing social innovation is a new social network known widely as "online community." (Social Network) by social networks.Of all ages, all races and religions. Every level of education. All professions and all social groups and from all over the world as messengers or write the story experience, articles, pictures and videos.The shared with others in. Its network system via Internet and social media (Social Media) online social network, growing rapidly and continuously.(today Tanan, Bush nut2553), which can be used to advantage in the dissemination of knowledge effectively
.From the technological advances that have evolved over time. The press is not limited to only in the textbook teaching regarding access to students. The instructional model, whether it is a developer(Multimedia) computer assisted instruction (COMPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION) teaching and learning through web network (Web base Instruction). Online tutorials (E-Learning) even books there. The variation is the electronic books (E-Book).Extensively. Which has said that a channel increasing educational opportunities, not limited to only in the classroom. But you can learn at any time, and recently, a stream of social media, share information.Social Media has played a role in the daily life of human beings. The forwarding information each other more. The leader ability of online social media use in education. To share the knowledge of their own.The media can interact with the builders media immediately, presentation, answer questions, make teachers or teachers many of you choose this channel. In the dissemination of information and expand educational opportunities as well
.The researcher is interested in the design and construction of multimedia on script writing for undergraduate students. To study about the achievement of both before and after learning with multimedia.And the study of the satisfaction of students on the multimedia production media must have developed live regularly to keep up with the Modern pace on the content and events. So this researchAnd increase channel in this study next
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