The subject notice of termination because of retirement.Dear Mr. Anan BUA tamponAccording to the person. Mr. Anan BUA cotton (born November 19 3 6101 00204 78 2 identification cards number 2502) working for the company since September 21 Thailand hip 2543 rates until the present age 14 years 2 months 8 days working in foreman position salary rate last until retirement 20,042 baht, the regulations of the company in November 29 2557. request for retirement, and notify you in advance. Now, retirement is due, then the company would terminate people because of retirement, termination of employment results from November 29 2557 onwards by the company according to the law, persons, as follows:1. the compensation for termination of employment (for retirement) 200,420.00 baht. Salary is the salary amount of baht 20,042 (10 months.) 2. grant special (bonus) (20,042 baht two months) 40,084.00 baht.Total 240,504.00 baht.The money deducted according to the law. 1. o s insurance baht.2. tax withholding (for retirement)3. the deduction of loans of the company, which employed the consent 10,025.48 baht. Contract of guarantee no. 17/2556 (2013) REV.II period 3. Total cash less legal baht. The remaining net baht Companies ask you to deliver the documents and/or the property of a company that is in the possession of the people returned to the company on November 29 on this eBook 2557. (Mr.Haruo Ota /Managing Director) I Mr. Anan BUA tamponEarn money, retirement and dismissal of the case, the number of fully qualified date legal baht stated above already, and I do not wish to claim any from the company. ( Mr. Anan BUA tampon )
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