The appointment on 18 July 2014REPLYREPLY ALLFORWARDmark as read Ivy,  การแปล - The appointment on 18 July 2014REPLYREPLY ALLFORWARDmark as read Ivy,  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

The appointment on 18 July 2014REPL

The appointment on 18 July 2014

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Ivy, Jonathan
Mon 14/07/2014 15:18
show all 11 recipients
Ivy, Jonathan ;
Ding, Yan Li;
Castro, Maria C.;
Chen, Yu-Wen;
Hu, Kai;
Liu, Zhao;
Yao, Xuanqi;
Sirichaiekawat, Kitiya;...
9 attachments
Generic Feedback.pdf
GMBA Assign~.doc

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I am working through your redrafts of questionnaires and methodology chapters as quickly as aI can. I had thought as they were redrafts, this would be a quick exercise. I was mistaken.

There are numerous challenges with submissions that just should not be happening. Please look at the attached Guidelines and marking scheme. Think about these when you set out your Chapter 3 (Methodology). Describe and filly justify the design in the order set out in the attachments., (This is not negotiable. Just do it the way I suggest – it will save us both a lot of extra work).

With the questionnaire design. Remember your objectives. Ask ONE question at a time at addresses the research objective. Give the acronym BADI some thought. Make sure you are measuring all the aspects related to how and why respondents buy the way they do. What are their attitudes toward the brand and the manufacturers that make them. The role that marketing might play in influencing choice and how that makes them feel. What interests the respondent has, (think about the segmentation aspects here – what values and life styles do they have) and finally the Demographics – who is doing the buying.

Some questionnaires I have looked at suggest that the author has very ;little understanding of the buying process of the brand. This is not a problem in research generally, but it makes a quant study very difficult. Iff you have no idea why people are buying then go qual!!!

I will see many of you on Friday. I hope that much of what you show me then will be a final draft as you are running out of time for the data collection.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The appointment on 18 July 2014

mark as read

Ivy, Jonathan
Mon 14/07/2014 15:18
show all 11 recipients
Ivy, Jonathan ;
Ding, Yan Li;
Castro, Maria C.;
Chen, Yu-Wen;
Hu, Kai;
Liu, Zhao;
Yao, Xuanqi;
Sirichaiekawat, Kitiya;...
9 attachments
Generic Feedback.pdf
GMBA Assign~.doc

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I am working through your redrafts of questionnaires and methodology chapters as quickly as aI can. I had thought as they were redrafts, this would be a quick exercise. I was mistaken.

There are numerous challenges with submissions that just should not be happening. Please look at the attached Guidelines and marking scheme. Think about these when you set out your Chapter 3 (Methodology). Describe and filly justify the design in the order set out in the attachments., (This is not negotiable. Just do it the way I suggest – it will save us both a lot of extra work).

With the questionnaire design. Remember your objectives. Ask ONE question at a time at addresses the research objective. Give the acronym BADI some thought. Make sure you are measuring all the aspects related to how and why respondents buy the way they do. What are their attitudes toward the brand and the manufacturers that make them. The role that marketing might play in influencing choice and how that makes them feel. What interests the respondent has, (think about the segmentation aspects here – what values and life styles do they have) and finally the Demographics – who is doing the buying.

Some questionnaires I have looked at suggest that the author has very ;little understanding of the buying process of the brand. This is not a problem in research generally, but it makes a quant study very difficult. Iff you have no idea why people are buying then go qual!!!

I will see many of you on Friday. I hope that much of what you show me then will be a final draft as you are running out of time for the data collection.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The Appointment on 18 July in 2014 REPLYREPLY ALLFORWARD Mark as Read Ivy, Jonathan

Mon 7/14/2014 3:18 p.m.
Show all 11 recipients
Ivy, Jonathan;
Ding, Yan Li;
Castro, Maria C.;
Chen, Yu-Wen;
Hu, Kai;
Liu, Zhao;
Yao, Xuanqi;
Sirichaiekawat, Kitiya; ...
9 Feedback.pdf GMBA Assign ~. doc Get more AppsAction Items I AM working through your redrafts of questionnaires and methodology Chapters as Quickly as aI Can. I had thought as they were redrafts, this would be a quick exercise. I was mistaken. There are numerous challenges with that Just Submissions should Not be Happening. Please look at the attached Guidelines and marking scheme. Think about these when you set out your Chapter 3 (Methodology). Describe and Filly Justify The Design in The Order Set out in The Attachments., (This is Not negotiable. Just do it The Way I suggest - it Will Save A Lot U.S. Both of extra Work). With The Questionnaire Design. Remember your objectives. Ask ONE question at a time at addresses the research objective. Give the acronym BADI some thought. Make sure you are measuring all the aspects related to how and why respondents buy the way they do. What are their attitudes toward the brand and the manufacturers that make them. The role that marketing might play in influencing choice and how that makes them feel. What interests The respondent has, (think About The segmentation aspects here - what values ​​and Life Styles do they have) and finally The Demographics - Who is doing The Buying. Some questionnaires I have looked at suggest that The author has very; Little understanding of. the buying process of the brand. This is not a problem in research generally, but it makes a quant study very difficult. You have no Idea why IFF then Go qual People are Buying!!! I Will See Many of You on Friday. I hope that much of what you show me then will be a final draft as you are running out of time for the data collection.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The appointment on 18 July 2014 REPLYREPLY ALLFORWARD

, mark as read Ivy Jonathan < >
Mon 14 / 07 / 2014. 15: 18
show all 11 recipients

, To Ivy Jonathan < >;

, Cc Ding Yan Li;
Castro Maria, C.;
Chen Yu-Wen;
Hu,,, Kai;

Yao Liu Zhao;,,;, Xuanqi
Sirichaiekawat Kitiya;...

9 attachments B658DC50-16 ~. JPG
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C2FE0B43-A7 ~. PNG
.50252D45-C0 ~. PNG
85C361B3-8D ~. PNG
1809951C-AF ~. PNG

Generic Feedback.pdf GMBA Assign ~. Doc

Get more appsAction Items
I am. Working through your redrafts of questionnaires and methodology chapters as quickly as aI can. I had thought as they were. Redrafts this would, be a quick exercise. I was mistaken.

There are numerous challenges with submissions that just should. Not be happening.Please look at the attached Guidelines and marking scheme. Think about these when you set out your Chapter 3 (Methodology).? Describe and filly justify the design in the order set out in the attachments, (This is not negotiable. Just do it the. Way I suggest - it will save us both a lot of extra work).

With the questionnaire design. Remember your objectives.Ask ONE question at a time at addresses the research objective. Give the acronym BADI some thought. Make sure you are. Measuring all the aspects related to how and why respondents buy the way they do. What are their attitudes toward the brand. And the manufacturers that make them. The role that marketing might play in influencing choice and how that makes them feel.What interests the respondent has, (think about the segmentation aspects here - what values and life styles do they have). And finally the Demographics - who is doing the buying.

Some questionnaires I have looked at suggest that the author has. Very; little understanding of the buying process of the brand. This is not a problem in, research generally but it makes. A quant study very difficult.Iff you have no idea why people are buying then go qual!

I will see many of you on Friday. I hope that much of what. You show me then will be a final draft as you are running out of time for the data collection.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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