In the summer, I'd never forget. In the House where I live is a one-story house next to the House is not yet ngotrong to man and other home I also is home to the building is not finished yet, there are wooden structure located next to the crab House has a nail in the points and still has debris timber.Ngatem to him. And then it occurred to me during the evening with my sister, I would like to practice driving a motorcycle because I want to drive to school every day. She won't have to go to get it to send. My sister is starting to drive before he was up to, in essence,
.On the stand, remove the twist lock up car to change gears add Accelerator vehicle. But then the unexpected happened, my sister I accelerate Accelerator very soon mother yelling his brake, but Bong!, his fright do not make his primary car meets House opposite to me then she rushing into the range.His left leg coming out of the turns out my brother rub ngatapu very deep into Tang's mother immediately rushed to the hospital, my sister took it a lot I'm afraid to see his blood flowing from the wound, I was helping MOM take a car to the hospital my brother between the way the cars I.Do not hear his cry at are just tears flowing out only after reaching the hospital, the doctor will perform the surgery to remove a nail removed from his leg and requires injection with a spectacular view of the baht to move up and down together, after the doctor finishes his treatment the doctor you can go home, and I was.Never driving again after it happened but my sister nanan garden note I ran after that wound healing.
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