Collection, divided into 2 forms
.No business model project is not a business means the project received support from the ราชการหลาย, agencies, and therefore no revenue and expenditure standard. Such as farming and breeding, demonstration forest Flamingo rice experiment.Culture of tilapia breeding rice. Developing Biogas of tissue culture plants, research and development building พืชสมุนไพร
.Quasi - business, not a business man, is a project with the revenue and expenditure. The so-called semi business because no distribution of profits. Don't break, because the profits to expand project of business are the center of dairy milk.The crushed and compressed rice husk. Laboratory experiment to check the quality of the production plant juice, milk powder factory, Suan Dusit โรงนม granular cheese plant plant plant baked fruit crushed and compressed rice husk. Refinery fuel alcohol to research, such asThe Royal foundry candle factories paper. The mushrooms and cafeteria, fish, etc., and has research projects and improve the quality of the product. Research on the new products of the project.
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