As the famous legend in 1940 about a warning about young love in a desolate roadside cars, and this story became real again.The story is that a young couple. As a young, handsome man and a cheerleader blonde hair. They are fans and now they both are driving the view breath music, romantic and emotional atmosphere both soils occur both kissing and feeling I love both, but figure it's a desolate parking lot somewhere to do that during the.They're looking at the desolate. Romantic music is stopped with the breaking news that mad men escape with a style that looks very emaciated men puakpiak stance, and the left hand is the hand hooks. The news scared girl beg her man to take her back home, but the man says that without fear. Speculation is that it is far more than this, and that will come when the two were together for love.From time to time suddenly own the girls hear a scratch out of a car. Sounds so close to The girl started to feel afraid, she tells fans to stop the activity but then they went silent. Both han to the back of the car, they did not find anything abnormal, but the girl was worried she had told young fans to car design from it. A young fan at all, according to the car to get the girls and when they both go to a safe place, they found that their car door with tool hooks hook (in addition, this story might have been added, such as horror stories, among which the young fans are talking about the girls hear a scratch on it. Suddenly, she was suddenly frightened when they see the hook has a frantic car doors, Plai Laem. Insane killer hand hook is in front of them, and then the door was opened it using the hooks young fans relate to her outside the car. Female devotee and rolled off the door. Instant car design conscious area determined by the young fans could look to her, and when she returned home she found the door handles, the car, bloody. It is the blood of the young fans ')And this is a story in the legend that is going to create a lot of movies. It also becomes a reality as well. When the Zodiac killer, killer (Zodiac Killer), a serial killer who in the late 1990s prior to 1960 in the bar area in the North of California, or as a murderer to vanish (Phantom Killer), a serial killer who is believed to have killed a number of people in the city of Saarbruecken thek khatemha Cana between February 23 to April 4 at the 1946 murders of two plain items like the killing of young love is all desolate road car.
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