Good friends are wonderful. They 're there to support you and to help you. They make you laugh and feel, good. I 'm lucky I have, three very good friends. Sure I have, lots of other friends. But these, three people I would take a bullet. For.
We 've known each other most of our school lives but we, never really "hung out" together until the, seventh gradeWhen we all went to Junior High. There cliques were, formed; the popular and the unpopular began to separate. Most kids. Joined in massive groups to eat lunch. But we found each other and stayed in our group of four. Why?... because with our. Small group we could share our opinions and be heard. In those, big groups it 's hard to get your opinions out.Another reason is because we shared a common interest: computers and computer games.
We may spend a ton of time. In front of, our computers but that doesn 't mean we don' t have a life. I 'm near the top of the varsity swim team. One of. My friends is the best speech and debater out there and he, bikes like crazy. Another one has the tools and ability to build. Anything.And the last worked so hard in sports that he destroyed his knees pretty badly. Now he uses crutches.
The first. " Time he had knee problems was in eighth grade. It got so bad that he actually had to miss half a year of school and stayed. Home with a tutor. We missed, him badly and would visit him occasionally but we, were overjoyed when he did return to school.It was great to see him walk to school without a wheelchair without crutches, without even, his cane. We welcomed him. Back into our circle of four and went on with school as if he never was missing.
In the beginning of his sophomore. Year the knee, problems, came back and with a vengeance. He had to leave school again after the first quarter. It was saddening. To have to miss him again.But some of my fondest memories of this year were when three of us stormed his house as a trio and dragged him out to. Take him, to movies parties etc. The, feeling of completion that he brings to our circle really reinforces my feelings that. We 're all the best of friends. And I think that we' re doing what good friends should be doing too. We help him through this. Tough, timeWhich often means putting on smiles when we 're a little scared by his lack of improvement in his knee.
Looking back. " It 's hard to believe how much my friends have shaped my life. It' s hard to think of what my life would be like without, them. We are more similar than we know and mean a lot to each other.It saddens me to think that we will probably only be able to see each other on a daily basis for two more years, But,. Of course we ', re going to fill those two years with memories of our times together.
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