Youth age composition. Environmental care
Man, we help create pollution up until the destruction of the natural environment, lost. Yes or no if yes, who is going to fix a damaged environment. To return to the status quo. Everyone will want to help fix broken starting today to make environmental issues a lot of reduced toxicity in coming days
. From the above article, you will see that the man has destroyed the natural environment to affect the country, and our world. Because the cause of water pollution Issues such as global warming, floods, natural disasters. We should turn to pay attention to environment any more. Although it did not result in anything much, but if we all. Thinking of ideas and help each other become environmentally conscious world not too long, we will, of course, and more. The new Act should also be left behind once the action is often easy and selfish greed, which for those of us young people, new ideas, just enough, starting from a simple idea like the garbage before leaving. If anyone has ideas and to help each other do seriously believe that pollution is reduced to waste very much indeed. You will see that the attention that environmental medicine rather than rathamlai the environment. Because of this, we must change the thinking. Change made to our environment remain with us, into the mountains.
Finally, to help care for the environment, it is just the story around the us. We never just interested in it. But it's considered very don't a duty of themselves.
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