in a class of 10 M BIT we have 13 students in a majority of people who work, and have a basic knowledge of English ภ่ษา
it may create a troubled, with a teacher who had been teaching English for us to adjust the basic รูู as to lead to the study of Academic Paper Writing and Techical Communication
the more difficult.make it more difficult for a teacher to have to adapt to the students, they will be based รูู, in can be to the study and Techical Academic Paper Writing Communication
even more difficult.but with the soft and warm like teaching methods Teaching children of the adult teacher's mother that we call in the mouth, this subject is not very difficult to think that the first time you run
like the US, with how warm and gentle teaching.As adults to teach children of mothers we get addicted to the mouth, this is not a difficult course in the firs
but with understanding how to teach the students with a fun story in the classroom
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