History of volleyballOrigin of volleyball Volleyball invented in 1895 by Mr. William g Morgan (Willam G. Morgan)United States citizen who is a Director of physical education. Association of national Y.M.C.A. (The Young Man Christian Association) Located in the city of ho important (Holyoke) Massachusetts State (Massachusetts), where Mr. Morgan, known as "net Mitsubishi twice" (Mintonette) why Mr. Morgan thinks this game is 3 reasons.1. He was aware of the necessity of an indoor sport that is used as a recreation and leisure of business executives who have aged a lot instead of basketball, which is gaining widespread popularity. But it is not suitable for people with age.2. to be the sport that can be played in a small Gymnasium in winter.3. so that the adults have an opportunity to play together. The idea, he has adapted from how to play basketball. Tennis and handball, his experiment.Using mesh tennis comes to stretch out in the basketball marketplace phanklang share physical education out as 2 Dan, the height of 6-foot 6-inch mesh floor past the best ball he had used tires in a tight ball, basketball, air pump, which weigh less and can be hit or knock the ball with bare hands without cross-mesh.From basic skills to play dangerous, used to play tennis and handball field in the Manufacturing Setup window. The play begins with one player sends the ball by hand from one territory to another territory, one player on the border opposite the ball cross-interaction with mesh back. Play continues until the ball is falling to the ground stroke or changed. submit the sender has the right to pass the ball. 3 times in one game consists of 9 Innings if the party lost 3 Innings, it's lost. The rules for the rest of have also founded Morgan currently does not just players like this ball in hand while receiving the ball. No players are currently playing at mesh. ในคราวประชุมสัมมนาผู้อำนวยการฝ่ายพลศึกษาของสมาคม Y.M.C.A ที่สหรัฐอเมริกา ณ มหาวิทยาลัย-สปริงฟิลด์ ( Spring-field Collage ) เมื่อต้นปี ค.ศ. 1896 มอร์แกนได้แสดงถึงวิธีการเล่นของเขาซึ่งเรียกว่า “ มินโทเนตต์ “ ( Mintonette ) ต่อที่ประชุมใหญ่ซึ่งก็ได้รับความสนใจและยอมรับจากผู้เข้าประชุมและศาสตราจารย์อัลเฟรด ที เฮลสตีด ( Alfred T. Helstead ) ได้แนะนำให้มอร์แกนเปลี่ยนชื่อเสียใหม่เป็นวอลเลย์บอล ( Volleyball ) โดยใช้ลักษณะของการเล่นเกมเป็นหลักในการตั้งชื่อ เนื่องจากวัตถุประสงค์ขั้นพื้นฐานของการเล่นเกมนี้คือ การโต้ลูกบอลให้ลอยข้ามตาข่ายไปมา โดยไม่ตกถึงพื้น จากการประชุมครั้งนั้นก็ได้ตั้งชื่อวอลเลย์บอลอย่างเป็นทางการ และได้มีการแต่งตั้งคณะกรรมการเพื่อร่างระเบียบวิธีการเล่นให้เป็นแบบรัดกุมยิ่งขึ้นอีก พร้อมกับได้ร่างกติกาแข็งขันเพื่อถือเป็นบรรทัดฐานของการแข่งขันต่อไป In 1897 there was a volleyball rules and published published as guidance officer (Official Handbook) contains the name, except that the "Handbook of the Athletic League of the Y.M.C.A. of North America", in other words, it is the beginning of a real volleyball. Volleyball has started and played well, according to the Association of Y.M.C.A., then expanded to other American citizens Association, played volleyball and can handle both indoor and outdoor play. American forces have been allowed to play this game during training and weapons both in and outside the country. The rules for playing volleyball, has been revised to be more appropriate until 1919, the Association has, together with the Y.M.C.A. Education Association American national or NCAA (Collegiate Association the Nationai Athietic) published the first books of the world volleyball rules book is titled Blue Book Cover sponding Biue Volleyball. In 1928 there has been the establishment of the National Volleyball Association, American or USVBA (The United state volleyball Association) has been meeting and change the plaengoktika volleyball. The objective is to set up a national volleyball tournament rules rules. The first President was George Asher je fit is the doctor (Dr. George J. Fischer) who have a role in helping to spread the sport volleyball very seriously until it has been called "the father of volleyball," codename by fit Asher has provided the leading volleyball throughout the project to follow the camp camp, according to various destinations and House until volleyball is a sport that is widely played ones. Volleyball has been competing in the sport worldwide for the first time is The 1st World Championship meets in the year 1949 at City of Prague, Czechoslovakia. In the year 1958 Asian Games 3 times at Tokyo, Japan has provided a volleyball tournament. The year 1959 in University Sport No. 1 at the town of Terino Italy. The year 1959 in 1 sport at Laem Thong, Bangkok. In 1964, volleyball has been packed to attend the Olympic Games for the first time. Nokrung Tokyo Japan spice clips And in 1965 World Cup volleyball tournament with no. 1 at Warsaw Poland, capital of the country. National Volleyball Federation of Paris is located between the countries France. Called the International Volleyball Federation Headquartered Paris or IVBF established in 1947 and since then, it has been widely volleyball tournament. It is a popular recreation sport 3rd place of the world.
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