Ah ok, well as long as you like what you're doing. Interesting.. that'd be awesome if you were my tour guide, translator too probably since I don't know any Thai words heh So do you have a boyfriend?
Ah ok, well as long as you like what you're doing.Interesting.. that'd be awesome if you were my tour guide, translator too probably since I don't know any Thai words hehSo do you have a boyfriend?
Ah OK, Well As long As You What You're like doing. Interesting .. that'd be Awesome IF You were My Tour Guide, translator Too Probably since I do Not know any Thai Words heh So do You Have a Boyfriend?
Ah OK well as, long as you like what you 're doing. Interesting... That' d be awesome if you were my, tour guide translator. Too probably since I don 't know any Thai words heh So do you have a boyfriend?