หลังจากที่พวกเราไปสัมภาษณ์ฝรั่งมา โดยที่ให้ฝรั่งเลือกอ่านแกรมม่าที่พวกเราได้เตรียมไปนี้คือ Would you like a cup off or a coffee ก็ได้พบว่าทุกคนก็จะเลือกใช้คำว่า -a cup of มากกว่าการใช้ -a
After that we go to coming without an interview, guava, select read GSM we have reaffirmed this is prepared like you Would a cup off coffee or a found, everyone will choose to use the word-than of a cup-a.
After we came here to interview. Read that the grammar that we are preparing Would you like a cup off or a coffee and found that all of them will choose to use the word -a cup of over-use -a.
After we went to interview a guava. By reading to Western grammar that we have here is Would you like a cup off or a coffee found that people will choose to use. " - a cup of than using - a.