Another tradition is the tradition of one-eye sandwich nadon which are important and inherit a full count. Thousands of indigenous people to Surin expressed gratitude to those with grace. The love of family relationships, including the community, the rituals, the b 10 14 month of every year when you reach 10 month 14 day descendants Khmer Surin to natives or settlers. Whether near or far different together back to the relatives to the ceremony together with continuous eye nadon Sanders TA, all villages and I as one of the family. The term "San naton eyes" came from nowhere to offer up the Seine. The spirits of don eye means the merit, grandmother and grandfather or their. In General, it is often written as "eye", which hit the wrong because it is considered to be a tradition of ancestor spirits ghost tour Kha Mare with no character "" is in the consonants, but use the "inherited" a ฏ long term don (in Khmer means mother or grandmother or grandfather, which means eye section) for the rituals of the eye contains a cold sandwich nadon's 14 month 10 day vacation home is made. Dawn day to make merit at the temple morning. Tradition San nadon eyes. There is a millennia long. The origin of the concept by the Khmer tradition, see guidelines for charities to devote a section to make the ghost ancestors. Grandpa Grandpa Grandfather grandmother His parents, affected the merit dedicated to charities To make a verb there to sympathize with the suffering from buang relief decreases, there is a ceremony, and the eyes, transaction nadon inherited so each which believe that if in the transaction of their ancestors, ghosts, nadon. Grandpa Grandpa Grandfather grandmother Parents. A child model must be identical to their eyes, transaction nadon, so children do not inherit the future to end.
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