"Sufficiency economy". Is the philosophy that the king gave all Thai citizens. And is receiving attention widely. Thai people have with practice concretely, of which there are several forms.NAS with mixed vegetable farming fence edible. Grow organic vegetables eat in the family, spend save setting accounting - รายจ่ายใน household. In order to see the flaws in spending.Nothing should not buy, can reduce costs, etc.!
.When referring to the word "enough", must mention the word "fit". Simultaneously, because the fit is sufficient when know enough. It will make the heart happy. If a happy mind will not encroach their and others are known to eatKnow the sacrifice, help the weak. These is fit enough, and in sufficiency economy, practices, and to consider. Consists of 3 loop 2 conditions, i.e., the practice in the middle of the road.3 characteristics: moderation, reasonableness and good immunity. Part 2 conditions including conditions of knowledge and moral condition
.By using the philosophy of living happily. Those who were treated to a must be mastery, carefully, be careful to use the knowledge that they have, tea Alongside the integrityUse wisdom and learn to share. Distinguish yourself. There was, in effect, and a commitment with flourish at the well, it will lead to a life with the sufficiency. In the society and environment balanced, stable, roasted sustainable?Loud slogans that
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