Moreover, the native cuisine in hotel rates, you will be impressed in taste, certainly.5. fresh air with mountainBaguio City is surrounded by high mountains and lush forests. Makes sense to fresh air in every moment. If you live in this town, and if you like taking pictures of nature. Here is another candidate in order to convey the beauty and freshness of green leaves a lot.6. friendly peopleOne thing that the author had the impression very much. When arriving at the Baguio City wakhue To meet people's friendship. With the tourists make the author feel that visiting the Philippines is safe. And of great attractions for everyone.How well does it to Baguio City. If you are a person who loves the story of looking for family attractions. Or to enjoy the lifestyle of the local people of interest in this country. Need to find an opportunity to visit this city, staying at least one night haha. Before travelling to other places to continue
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