Benefits and penalties, from smartphones.• The benefits of smartphones.1. picture taken most part of most used for each version of the Smartphone market, it's clear the equivalent digital camera. Whether it is impressive, it will need to be taken to remove them, or what the most popular nowadays is that taking photos of food to eat, or when empty, it will bring the Smartphone itself was filmed at various locations, which has units of the image is the pixel. (Pixel) the size of the pixels, the larger photographs. Image resolution is greater.2.Social Network is another thing that makes people nowadays turn to even more Smartphone Social Social Network, which is to make us recognize news more quickly, making us communicate more easily. Enables forwarding of impressive things, with people in society gets to know which application the most popular include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. 3. contact the talk. Nowadays, there are so many applications that are used to communicate to more easily contact, without charge, such as Line, Skype, Messenger, which can connect every angle of the world.4. the games Indispensable one in smartphones is that games which has application for both games for younger adolescents and adults, and there are several categories, such as Board Games. A study of sports car racing. Simple, words Casino simulation miscellaneous music adventure puzzle strategy arcade cards. Action RPG, etc.5. news is necessary, one for the adults to always know the whole story, or General News spoke into the early May will track from the daily newspapers or listen to the radio, but we find the current news quickly and be able to say with others quickly. 6. read, write, edit, document files. Currently, we can modify our file on a Smartphone, which is considered especially facilities. Make our work so quickly and can store documents with multiple pages or a Smartphone make portable document.
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