Tonic immobility (TI) is an unlearned, reversible, coma-like stasis displayed
by a large number of taxa (Gallup, 1974). In general, TI is thought
to be the final stage of a ‘defensive cascade’ of behaviours initiated in response
to the presence of a predator (Ratner, 1967). This cascade, which
begins with a period of voluntary immobility intended to decrease the
probability of detection and heighten responsiveness, then transitions
through the ‘flight or fight’ response, and if escape is unsuccessful resulting
in capture and restraint (i.e. by a predator), terminateswith the onset
of TI (Marx et al., 2008).
ผลลัพธ์ (
แอฟริกา) 1:
Tonic Immobiliteit (TI) is 'n onkundige binnekom, Omkeerbare, Coma-agtige stase vertoon
deur 'n groot aantal taksa (Gallup, 1974). In die algemeen, is TI Gedink
die finale stadium van 'n 'verdedigende Cascade' van gedrag geïnisieer in reaksie te wees
van die teenwoordigheid van 'n roofdier (Ratner, 1967). Dit Cascade, wat
begin met 'n tydperk van vrywillige Immobiliteit bedoel om die te verminder
Waarskynlikheid van Detection en verhoog responsiwiteit, dan Transitions
deur die 'Flight of Fight' Response, en as Escape onsuksesvol as gevolg
in aanjaer en selfbeheersing (IE deur 'n Predator) ,. Terminateswith Die aanvang
van TI (Marx et al., in 2008).
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