pineapple juice ingredients - Pineapple beef 240 g (1 / 4 effect big)
* syrup 15 g (1 dinner spoon)
(use sweeteners or sweetener 1 small sachets instead
. If do it the way 2 may need more 15 grams. Due to add ice and water)
.- iodized salt 2 g (2 / 5 teaspoon)
* Ice break detail (for the way 2) 240 g (1 1 / 2 glass)
* water clean. (for the way 2) 90 grams (about 1 / 2 glass)
the way how to make 1
.The pineapple peel wash clean the pineapple beef juice only water. Add syrup, salt to taste like
- how 2
.Use of pineapple like the way 1 shaker, add salt, water and syrup, salt, then add the ice break spinning fine detail. Taste like
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