Chapter 602 - The Mystery of the Frozen Cloud Ancestor.Ping!!!A deafening shattering sound rang sharply through the air nearly traversing, the entirety of Heavenly Sword Villa. All. Of the Heavenly Sword disciples who were practicing their sword skills and even, a few elders involuntarily covered, their. Ears. As they sought desperately to suppress an uncomfortable sensation which seemed to seep into their souls they also,, Looked towards the origin of that sound with expressions of amazement.Heavenly Sword, Ancestral Hall the most sacred place in Heavenly Sword Villa located at, its very core. Following the sound. Of, urgent footsteps the Ancestral Hall "s great doors were pushed upon and Ling Yuefeng stepped in. With a glance he saw,, Ling Tianni who had, clearly been in seclusion standing by, the side of the jade platform situated at the right side of. The Ancestral Hall."Yuefeng you ", ve come." Ling Tianni did not turn around; instead he stood, there silently staring at, the jade platform. In front of him."Father what ", s happened?" Ling Yuefeng asked as he quickly strode forward. That peculiar ringing sound was definitely. Not a normal occurrence and the origin of that sound was from this place. When he saw that his father who had, been in seclusion. For over a year had actually, appeared in, this place he knew that this matter was even more complex than he had initially. Anticipated.As his, voice fell his gaze also fell upon the jade platform that Ling Tianni faced... From his memory there had, always. Been a clear icy-blue jade, pearl a foot in length placed atop this jade platform. This jade pearl did not emanate any aura. And its only distinguishing feature was its emission, of faint icy - blue light when nighttime arrived.He had learned from Ling Tianni that this jade pearl "s name was "Jewel of Icy Song." and it was an item gifted to the founder. Of Heavenly Sword Villa when their sect had just been established one thousand years ago by the founder of the Frozen Cloud. Asgard Mu, Bingyun. As for what it was used for Ling Tianni, had never told him and he had also never paid it any mind.But right now this ", Jewel of Icy Song." was no longer there and what replaced it was a pile of cluttered fragments shaped. Like ice crystals on the jade platform."The recent noise... Was because this" Jewel of Icy Song "fractured?" Ling Yuefeng asked. If a jade pearl had, merely broken. Even though it was something left behind by their ancestor it wouldn ", t be too significant of a matter. However Ling Tianni,, Didn "t hesitate to break out of his cultivation seclusion to come here. Furthermore the grave, expression on his face told. Ling Yuefeng that this matter was definitely not simple."Ah." Ling Tianni heaved a deep sigh and said, "Something has happened to Frozen Cloud Asgard... A calamity great enough. To destroy their entire sect. ""What?" Ling Yuefeng "s eyebrows jumped fiercely.Ling Tianni slowly replied, "This" Jewel of Icy Song "was an item gifted to our founding father by the ancestor of Frozen. Cloud, Asgard Mu Bingyun. But it was not meant as a gift. Back then when the, Frozen Cloud Ancestor Mu Bingyun gifted this. To, our founder she said this: "One thousand years, from now Frozen Cloud Asgard will be plunged into a great crisis. The. Moment this" Jewel of Icy Song "breaks is the moment the crisis will descend upon Frozen Cloud Asgard..." ""So that is to say... The Frozen Cloud Ancestor hoped that when this, day came our Heavenly Sword Villa would lend a helping. Hand? "Ling Yuefeng asked.Ling Tianni inclined his head and replied, "That, is right this" Jewel of Icy Song "is linked to the final forbidden protective. Formation of the Frozen, Cloud Asgard the "Snow Goddess Veil." "" The Snow Goddess" Veil "is something the Frozen Cloud Ancestor. Had set up by herself all those years ago and it "s a forbidden protective formation that will only open when Frozen Cloud. Asgard has been pushed into truly dire straits. Once this" Jewel of Icy Song ", breaks it will let out a loud ring. This. Means the "Snow Goddess" Veil" has already been activated. For the next, seven days Frozen Cloud Asgard will be under the. Protection of this" Snow Goddess Veil. "" All those, years ago Frozen Cloud Asgard had hoped that Heavenly Sword Villa would. Be able to help them within seven days" time when the day of their doom were to arrive. ""Seven days..." Ling Yuefeng had a very complicated expression on his face, "To be able to plunge Frozen Cloud Asgard into. Such a disaster the other, Party must be immeasurably strong or they might even be individuals of the Overlord class. The. Frozen Cloud Ancestor and our Heavenly Sword Ancestor were high-level Thrones back in, their day so the protective profound. Formation that she laid down could only be at the strength of the at best the Emperor Profound. If they truly fought against. Ov.
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