To change the weight of the body depends on the balance between energy input and energy that was used to. If the energy is energy that is greater than the quantity imported is used to. Excess energy will be changed to accumulate in the body. Make weight increase. On the contrary, If the power is out to a value greater than the imported energy will cause reduced weight.Energy is energy from imported food at each meal by eating into. The food is sub to create energy, the body is applied. Each food type will have different components and provide energy.The energy is used to power a system that is out of the body used to when working consists of a body.Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the energy that the body uses to power is the quantity at which the body uses to constantly, even when the dormant body, because of the different systems in the body are running all the time, such as breathing. The beating of the heart, etc.Energy consumption in various activities each day, such as exercise, etc.
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