My impression is to travel to the mountains with the family to travel to many places, has seen things that have never been seen, and it's happy now because it is the first to explore with the family could go swimming at waterfalls haew narok and is the first time I've been to the mountain which is the Khao Yai National Park, prachinburi to first I was glad, and the first thing to do is to go for walks and camping area. Over the evening, eat at the restaurant surrounds accommodation. The food is very delicious. The evening went to the sunset view at the highest point of the mountains is a really beautiful picture solar splash hits the fog. Very impressive At night, it was released to the atmosphere is fairly cold, but it's rarely that they see stars? The sky is a very romantic atmosphere galore with moonlight. Enough, the night sky until satisfied, then go to sleep. Wake up to the morning it falls when shooting Watson and Suez to driving it, before I go back to visit the places where I wanted to go to and just 1800 to make friends with.
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