Power generationThe electricity that many countries rely on atomic energy for development. When a nuclear power plant, the electricity bill is no fun so set Union severe blast in April that a simple accident 2529 (1986) serious. Strong explosions and toxic contamination driving heat, phuap up to five kilometers high to the sky. These pollutants include uranium oxide, caesium 137 and iodine 131, etc. Another ten days per group haze moved up North West and then back down to the South and East, but the radioactive substance into the country Sweden. Nonwe Denmark Finland Greece until the militants are even now just 31, but has estimated that within thirty years ahead in around 30 km radius, number of people in the top 100-200 people will die with cancer at all of this in a floor to the East of Russia and Europe, there may be people falling sick until another life as well as 5000-75000 description.Pasture for livestock feed shall receive radioactive. Pollutants through the cow's milk in iodine 131 into children within a couple of days later it has detected the excess radiation in the thyroid, so the body control to change food into energy (or broken meta-systems a septic tank) is not as good as expected. Bone marrow is the best new blood. When the Sun's rays game this important section, blood system, destroy it. Rangsisamarot typically cause a destructive mutation chromosome
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