Sukhothai domination as the monarchy regime in which the King has exclusive jurisdiction. In the early part of the Sukhothai Kingdom as a father custody, but the end of a reign as thammaracha and have relations with other kingdoms to develop solidarity, thriving Kingdom. The Sukhothai Kingdom when the grounds are spacious, not yet. The number of the citizens and the private construction in progress. In the early stages, so have a look into the family system. The leader of the Kingdom as a King, the father, has a close relationship with the citizens. Parents of citizens all funerals Later reign of King Ramkhamhaeng political circumstances changed, so start using ways that are more schemes. The relationship of the leader of the Empire to the public vary, depending. An attempt was made to increase the power the Kings to a higher sphere as thammaracha and Buddhist principles that enshrines citizens come into honkhak in the parent. Characteristics of domination. The characteristic Hotel Sukhothai domination phase is divided into 2 wards, Sukhothai period beginning. Starting from the reign of King, the father Indra to sarue 30 the reign of King Ramkhamhaeng of Sukhothai domination with the end of the count from the reign of loethai until politics and all authorized.
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