What I get from major business venture and entrepreneurship is the best characteristics of entrepreneurs will need to have the commitment, perseverance, determination to make the business successful, and tolerance for failure. Gain meaning of innovation resulting from the ability to use knowledge, skills, creativity, and technological or management experience to develop potential products or services or new production processes to meet the needs of the market. the business plan writing to help entrepreneurs. Apply to business goals and assist in market analysis, including risk assessment that may happen to the business, get to learn about the preparation of marketing promotional pricing to the market. The supplier of goods or services to meet the needs of consumers. To determine where the goods or services to attract consumers, and effective interpersonal networking skill. The relationship between business entrepreneurs and to create a network share in a business to business goals, and financial management for successful entrepreneurs. As a long term financial planning to help A comparative analysis of the business profit is increased or decreased, or very little change from a year ago, and are used to evaluate business new venture next year. intangible assets. The ingenuity point or in the form of things that catch may not be tangible, such as product and service, business concepts, A method of industrial production Entrepreneurs need to have such Patent, Trademark, patent, Copyright, Industrial designs or Intellectual property to the ownership of the production are offered.
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