Most people are just counting sa na Karen just a Buddhist with Christians; The Roman Catholic Church as a tetralogy than instance. The reason why people turn to profess Christ, Karen. From the legend of the tribal peoples are people there believe Karen theism came long before there was any religion, until someone creates the world or God created everything/University; and people all over the world are saying that as brothers, and now people are saying that it is the youngest and recount pound mountain ancestors.Live one day in the future, there will be a people holy books brought back to us as the first night of this world with a holy book is one volume. Karen people were waiting and skin the whole missionary, baiboen comes in. Cause some people believe the myth is true, but it is the other way, that is not the culture of everything God created, and will be discarded. Cause conflicting concepts. Example in case of not receiving their villages, Christians. But it is not a religious conflict issues.
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