While wie has more guts, she say what's on your mind, Ian replied, actually, she feels to Sydney? She said the Sydney often said that she is not confident in himself both the fact that the people do not have confidence, however, is separate, and with yourself Sydney because every possible of being constantly live and making knowledge motives of v Sydney. And in that moment, Ian, it's coming at the Sydney Testarossa Party v and v both argue it just know that while she is with Ian Sydney tries to show courage against her by accepting a challenge that requires the use of a ladder leaning window between two buildings and walk on it, but almost missed the Sydney, and she agrees to go to a PLAYER. After a quarrel with her best friend, Tommy, Sydney, and then he tells Ian Viva's mission is to come here to make v-pallets, they argue, and that makes Ian and caused a very angry and veneer Brawl she went to tell the police car park, located on the Sydney games to be almost dying here.And that's the game rules that prohibit told police. She exposed her WATCHER have always cheered the eviction until she fled. During another PLAYER named TY, it receives the Mission until she faint.V-wake up again in the container and there is only one computer inside it. It tells how she became a prisoner and her life. The future, she and her family would be in danger and difficulties from now onwards, except that she will become a winner in this game.V decided to play the game, and she met with Ian Ian explains everything outside the box, she listened to that final round the year before, which left him Ty, and boys who became news last year. They were 3 people received the mission, came down from the crossbar that extends outside the building sky high, but the boy back and falls dead. They were the two remaining workers to tell the police, this game, but the police say that is simply a back accident. There is no one who can help them and they become like prisoners in a single for now, which will make them free from the dangers of these WATCHER is to win this game.But Ian says he'll let her become a winner in this game, even in a final round came when these watcher, it instructs the v and Ian to take out the guns come out. Who won, but not before shooting that v Ian tells. She is trying to finish the game by saying the mediation lull people looking in, be aware of the fact that it is a game in which it never should anyone die in the game.But in that time it has Ty in blacksmith and to take out the guns come out, but Ian, it has been prohibited before Ty told them that he should kill the WATCHER votes or not. Which the majority voted her die so Ty so v-shoot until she fell to.But at the same time Tommy and Sydney, the two closest friends of v, it has to find a way off this game, because Tommy is a hacker too much, and he was a known hacker friends. Anyone trying to finish this game by hacking into the systems of every user to disclose the name of the actual user rather than a fake name that has been set up, and as soon as v-die. On your phone screen watcher, everyone appeared a message that he is a murderer, and was arrested and then with the actual name of the watcher has only one option, select sign out, everybody is out of the game until the last user sign out to go out, so why are nerve shut down eventually.Fortunately, the fact is that's the plan dead and trick everyone believed dead, it makes the game really. It is her plan prepared with Ty.Nerve has both the Player and the Watcher, which no matter the role, it was a dangerous risk. As a Watcher, then some people might think we are as Faceless, but actually it's not the case. In this era, the Word does not exist, then the Faceless because it's kinda just one IP from our clicks. Just click or just views without comments, and request our Union it could affect someone life. and to think that, if we are very short keyboard. Hey man, this man sightseeing People exposed to Cyber Bulling feel depressed?, it is a major problem that the world we are facing.
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