From the history of succession whether growing pumpkins since 10000-30000 years ago. They are classified as vegetable crops that have long considered to be one of the most. Thailand country pumpkin will have different areas, namely the South would call "calabash" North. Called "the hatch", "Mahmood hatch MEO" Northeast. Called "the hatch", "yellow" crap and Central chess. Called the "pumpkin", etc. In nutritional pumpkin vegetable plants are supplied with a high nutritional value, type of. Weight of 100 grams of fresh pumpkin number (1 tick) to 1.1 g of fibre, vitamin a, vitamin c and 1,600 IU 9 mg. It also classified as vegetables that beta-carotene metabolites with aromatic hydrocarbons. In the medical field have scientific information that. Beta-carotene immortal substance, precursor to create vitamin a protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and is also anti-Oxidising substances and dance to help get rid of free radicals and also helps to eliminate cancer cells.For the home we discovered that pumpkins are grown for consumption. The characteristics of the breed will have green bark dark grooves, effects are uneven or rough bark leather pool Toad. Results for soft white pole held since both effects and commonly grown varieties, large effects weighing more than 4-5 kg or little effect on weight between 2-3 kg in the current pumpkin varieties that farmers commonly grown cultivars, Thailand will use a hybrid because of the high productivity and the shell of the leather Chin c.Or the striped rice hammered the area, and at the appropriate season to plant pumpkins will grow well in soil conditions that have a value of pH = 5.5-6.8 is classified as a vegetable soil resistant saphapkrot has a moderate and can grow well in loose sandy soil with good drainage. Usually, the production season proper is planted pumpkins during July-January will be planted after the seedlings obtained from seeds have an actual number 1 or when the age of seedlings with age 9-12 days, moved grown. If there is a good water source or planted in the rainy season, may be grown by sowing directly. Beginning of the pumpkin will start flowering after planting to about 40-50 days, there was a time in the pollination of 10-15 days after pollination, 40-50 days and harvest began, there was a time, in 15-20 days from harvest throughout the season takes the production of pumpkin in each version of the 100-120 days flowering females and males will bloom in the morning. Bloom at 06.00 pm-03.30 anthers can vary between 21.00-03.00 a.m., pollen will be 16 hours after bacterial crack stigma be pollinated before flowering and after flowering for 2 hours to 10 hours, so the moment is appropriate for pollination, that is, from the time.06.00-09.00 pm. pumpkin tree will grow at a temperature of between 18-results-27 degrees Celsius. Classified as a vegetable that does not tolerate cold temperatures, held that the appropriate seed germination at 25-30° c. At the beginning, the Pumpkins will halt the growing in temperatures lower than 10° c.How to prepare pumpkin growers a secure area.In preparing the area cultivated pumpkins. Farmers must make acid-base condition of the soil. When it detects that the soil has a high acid or pH less than 5.5 will need to put the lime. Limestone or dolomite cement rate of 100-200 kilograms per Rai (put the lime should be put before the hand planting of at least 1 week) and then tilled to loosen mixed mash, mixed with soil and clay mortar rack to leave. To prepare the soil for planting pumpkins in each generation must start from bottom rack to soil depth of at least 30 centimetres, left at least half a month to keep the weeds die.In addition, the use of compost to improve soil productivity of pumpkin. The use of compost will constantly have to improve the quality of the soil. Compost utilization depends on the type of clay used pumpkins. For sandy soils or sandy loose soils with low fertility in the North East and Eastern. Rate insert the compost will be high. The section in clay or sandy soil in Central loose fertile medium in the North. The compost should be lower than for long-term use pumpkins spacings between the ton 1 metre distance between the vines are planted acres, 4 m. 1, 400 ton per acres. To prepare the area with wood core embroidery for every one and 4 m along the line of planting area. Open the main fertilizer, along the grooves of wood pin. Open mortise, depth 30 cm, then put a compost primer rate of 2 tons per Rai and fertilizing, chemical formulas, such as 4-4-16 to 50 kilograms per Rai then open ditch and remove fertilizer Foundation has 4.5 m in width conversion Raceway width 50 cm, planting trees, pumpkin, away from the edge of translation.D 25 cm spacing between 1.5 meters distance between rows 4 m planting 2 rows violet. 1 ton per hole. Lifting height 30 cm converted to provide drainage. Plastic covers 1.5 m khokwang or long vertical rows, straw moves planted to prevent the germination of weeds, vines, 1.5 m long distance.สำหรับวิธีการปลูกฟักทองในรูปแบบของเกษตรอินทรีย์นั้น ผศ.ดร.จานุลักษณ์ ขนบดี สถาบันวิจัยและฝึกอบรมการเกษตรลำปาง มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลล้านนา ปลูกฟักทองโดยไม่มีการใช้ปุ๋ยเคมีและสารสังเคราะห์ทุกชนิด มีการปรับปรุงดินให้มีคุณภาพดีโดยใช้ปุ๋ยหมักมีการคลุมดินด้วยวัสดุจากธรรมชาติ เช่น ฟางข้าว ซากพืช และสัตว์ที่ผุพัง มีการปลูกพืชหมุนเวียนเพื่อลดการระบายของศัตรูพืชและมีการอนุรักษ์แมลงที่เป็นประโยชน์ สำหรับน้ำหมักชีวภาพที่ผลิตจากพืช เช่น ผักต่างๆ ผลไม้ วัชพืช และสมุนไพร เป็นต้น ใช้อัตราส่วนเศษพืช 3 ส่วน กากน้ำตาล 1 ส่วน โดยนำวัสดุมาย่อยหรือสับให้เป็นชิ้นเล็กๆ หรือบดให้ละเอียดคลุกเคล้ากับกากน้ำตาลให้เข้ากันในภาชนะ โดยใส่ให้เกือบเต็ม ปิดฝาเก็บไว้ในที่ร่มมีสภาพอากาศถ่ายเทดี หลังจากการหมักไปได้ 7-10 วัน ให้กรองเอาแต่ของเหลวมาผสมน้ำ อัตราส่วน 1 : 200 หรือ 1 : 1,000 ฉีดพ่นต้นพืชหรือราดลงดินบริเวณรากพืชThere are also recipes compost wapha cheese.
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