The experimental design was a two-by-two factorial design, with two methods of vitrification (containerless versus mosquito net) and two macromolecules (20% FCS versus 6% PVP).
The experimental design was a two-by-two factorial design, with two methods of vitrification (containerless versus mosquito net) and two macromolecules (20% FCS versus 6% PVP).
The Experimental Design A Two-by-Two was factorial Design, with Two. methods of vitrification (Containerless Versus Mosquito NET) and Two macromolecules. (20% FCS Versus 6% PVP).
The experimental design was a two-by-two, factorial design with two methods of vitrification (containerless versus mosquito Net) and two macromolecules (20% FCS versus 6% PVP).