Be able to distinguish between green and red, it has difficulty seeing traffic lights. Second is blue with a yellow or a black and white image, but may be seen and this malfunction occurs with both eyes. Unable to maintain. Hi the philea (Hemophilia) A disease he the philea is non-stop flow of bleeding disorders or bleeding easily, difficult to stop is the most common genetic disorder in males because the genes that define gland disease he the X chromosome in philea and convey this abnormal gene, ball. Women get abnormal X chromosome, it will not display the symptoms because he has another X chromosome are passive carriers, but will instead. Scenario is the patient's blood, he can no longer philea module erection due to lack of substance that causes blood clotting. The symptoms observed, such as abnormal bleeding, blood flow is very often kamdao the swelling. Born wound up myself, but most of this module to a philea hi. By using the substance gives blood clotting as a substitute. • Depleted enzyme g-6- P Dee (G-6-PD: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) Dehydrogenase enzymes become depleted or G6PD Glucose-6-phosphate disease is a genetic disease that causes the hemolytic easily. When you get to the cause of mental stimulation, which depleted enzyme g-6- P d is caused by abnormalities of chromosome X causes the enzyme G6PD protect red blood cell from the destruction of the saronumun fault free and do not protect the destruction of independent saronumun that is toxic to cells, red blood cell. The patient has symptoms of occasional faded due to sudden hemolytic. In children with symptomatic disan Most adults are black, less urination urine until the symptom occurs, renal. By what can induce symptoms such as foot-and-mouth bean food * that has many independent saronumun as well as various diseases and infections cause white blood cells secrete more free saronumun. This is. This disease can be treated. If it is known to be aware of, such as avoiding drugs or foods that won't cause harm salaeng is important, the patient must drink plenty of water to prevent renal.
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