เพื่อที่จะหลีกเลี่ยงปัญหาที่เกิดจากมลภาวะทางอากาศทางยานพาหนะ In order to avoid problems caused by air pollution from vehicles. ไม่ใช้ยานพาหนะถ้าไม่จำเป็น
In order to avoid the problems caused by air pollution vehicle.In order to avoid problems caused by air pollution from vehicles.Do not use the vehicle if it is not needed.
In order to avoid problems caused by air pollution from vehicles In order to avoid problems caused by air pollution from vehicles. Vehicles are not used unless absolutely necessary.
In order to avoid the problems caused by the air pollution from vehicles.In order to avoid problems caused by air pollution from vehicles.Don"t use vehicle if necessary.