Standard 1 places, equipment and support services
.The purpose of this standard is to provide appropriate physical elements and support service quality. The classification space proportional sufficient and appropriate for you,,,,,,,Area and other services have the classification of drugs, health products. Retention and contributing to maintain the quality of the product, as well as to the supply of equipment. Support and good service to the people.
1.1.1 1.1 place to a stable place strong enough space for activities. There are separate from the surrounding area proportional
1.1.2 is clean, have proper lighting air, including the system or fire protection equipment
1.1.3 managed control appropriate environment to maintain product quality
1.1.4 area is placed drug operations by pharmacists. And it is the perception of service recipients clearly
1.1.5 the counselling proportional
1.1.The show 6 media knowledge about health. In the case of document layout or install media advertising is aimed at area separate especially
1. 1. 7 labeled. The poor look different:
G. Signs indicate a drug store
.Label name, photo, licence number And the operation time of pharmacist's duty, in the open
C. Sign ที่เป็นไปตาม provisions of the licence and the type of drug
. .Label service by pharmacists, show the practice by pharmacists, and other activities, as appropriate, such as getting a prescription, counselling by pharmacists
1.2 1. 2 equipment.1 equipment in the health service for useful in the follow-up of the use of drugs, such as
- air weigh
- height measurement measured body temperature
- blood pressure measurement the level of blood sugar.
1.2 etc.2 equipment count tablets by drug group needed services such as antibiotics penicillin medicine group, sulfonamides, etc.
1.2.3 is appliances in providing clean. And no contamination during the service
1.2.4 refrigerator to keep supplies proportional enough. And control and recording temperature, regularly
1.2.5 have drug containers without
.Medicine for service. Should be in the original container with the label as required by law. Should not have to change container
B.Containers suitable dosage for service to the people, have to consider the amount of packing ป้องกันยา deterioration, etc.
1.3 support service
1.3.1 had a source. The optimum reference and published
1.3.2 label help documentation support appropriately
1.3.3 have special equipment to help เพิ่มความร่วมมือ in drug use. (in case of necessity)
standard 2 management for quality
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