1. history, historySamut prakan is a city built during the reign of King. The Decree, which enacted In 2178 King Muang Samut prakan to build up the area. Khlong PLA press with guava Hollander came in trading with Thailand in the reign of ekathotsarot a rest and contact with Thailand as well are action with many government land. Therefore ekathotsarot Royal land in the North Canal fish press is used as a warehouse and the area is inhabited with officials just as gorgeous and perfect location with modern and necessary until with have honored among the "new Hollander.วอัมสเตอร์ดัม "(New Amsterdam). Currently, water erosion already in ruins. The period beginning Superb King minicomputers supalai saw that millions of the Chao Phraya River mouth, if there is an enemy, it will come to Bangkok invaders made easy. The Department of Mun jessada, Bill (the King family) to his death (DAS) is the section leader to control. The construction of a new town Samut prakan in the year 2362 occupies some of the Chao Phraya is the Tambon paknam nowadays. Spend time in the construction of about 3 years.
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