ฉั have much to tell you . However i want to know if you are willing a การแปล - ฉั have much to tell you . However i want to know if you are willing a แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

ฉั have much to tell you . However

ฉั have much to tell you . However i want to know if you are willing and ready to help me smile again . To help me become somebody in the society . To give me a better life . Something has been bothering me and i have kept it to myself because i am afraid to disclose it to anyone . I am afraid of betrayal . I am afraid someone might take advantage of me if i should disclose it to anyone .

I have been praying to God to give me someone who will not betray my trust and confidence in him . Someone who will not cheat and deceive me . I am very much afraid . But if you will promise me that you will stand for me as a guardian , a friend indeed , good Samaritan then i will open up to you .

I would like to know more about you . Your real names , your likes and dislikes , your hobbies , and what you are doing presently . I will tell you more about myself in my next mail . Below is my picture .I pray to God to guide and protect you in all you are doing . Have a wonderful moment .
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Diagnose het baie om jou te vertel Maar ek wil weet of jy bereid is en gereed is om te help om my weer glimlag.. Te help my geword het iemand in die samelewing. Om te gee my 'n beter lewe. Iets pla my en ek het dit. vir myself, want ek is bang om dit te openbaar aan wie ek is bang vir verraad.. Ek is bang iemand voordeel kan neem van my as ek moet openbaar dit aan enigiemand.
.Ek het gebid tot God gee my iemand wat nie my vertroue in hom verraai. iemand wat nie sal bedrieg en my mislei en my. Ek is baie bang. Maar as jy my belowe dat jy sal staan ​​vir my as 'n voog, 'n vriend inderdaad, 'n goeie Samaritaan dan sal ek oop te maak vir jou

Ek wil graag meer oor jou te leer ken.. jou regte naam, jou voor-en afkeure, jou stokperdjies.en wat jy tans doen ek sal vertel nie meer omtrent myself in my volgende pos.. hieronder is my prentjie. Ek bid God te lei en beskerm in alles wat jy doen. het 'n wonderlike oomblik.
Ek is lief vir.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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