5.1 check to work. Of circuit chef di.5.2 check switch contacts page / mechanism of motor lock.5.3 check switch contact face of Jarque.5.4 check level, always at the park?5.5 check the work. Response of series safety shoes / light ray.5.6 check the work of fire, emergency lighting / bell / intercom / battery.5.7 check ซ์ฃ emergency stop switch (in the elevator control cabinet lights / Fu).5.8 check the brake pads and the work of the brake distance, with its marked every time.5.9 check signal to tell me the direction moving up and down, and the audio signal to alert.5.10 check, as the work of a press button, in front of the class, signs of various classes5.11 check the fuel oil in the bearing.5.12 check temperature motor / fan cooling.5.13 check condition and the work of TAC cattle, generator / belt generator, Tech Co5.14 check and test the functionality of the GAF series, Werner. By the way, manual5.15 check. The phase velocity that is customizable, with Tom marker.5.16 check stage the work of. Brake / wait"s brakes.
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