The Saturn Saturn is a planet away from the sun into the # 5 at a distance of about 10 times the distance between Earth and the Sun, or two times the size of Jupiter that orbit the Sun's radiated power reaches only 1.1% of the energy that comes to Earth only. If observed with a small telescope Saturn we'll see Saturn's rings, which is recognized among the stars that the ring is beautiful and the most outstanding among all planets with rings. Saturn is a gas planet, the largest of which is the second from Jupiter by smaller than Jupiter, about 1 in 5, but even so, it still has a larger world than 9 x has volume can contain up to 763-Moon World. The main elements of the Saturn is 25% 75% nitrogen and helium and the various elements in a ratio similar to Jupiter. Saturn has a density of spots in the solar system by the average density 0.7 g/cm³, only that is, Saturn would float (if we have a tub big enough for Saturn). Saturn's rings discovered by Galileo In 1882, the same time in 1610 with the observed Venus, Jupiter and the Moon's Crescent, he. The telescope Galileo Galileo bad performance, so cannot be seen separate from the ring and saw that the stars have handholds. Later in the years 1659 hoiken Christian (Christian Huygens) and Netherlands studied Saturn with a powerful telescope than Galileo's very high and explain that the rings of Saturn is a flat ring-shaped objects orbit around Saturn. Considered to be the best, then that conclusion can be summarized by the observation from the Earth. Literally, some of Saturn's rings is an average density of approximately 500 m, but because of the debris that make up Saturn's rings can reflect light and ring width over 80,000 km, therefore, can be observed from the Earth, even more than 1,100 million kilometers away. Debris in the rings of Saturn are different sizes. Most are 1-10 cm in size, but some it has a size comparable to larger cars or so. Astronomers estimate that if the debris collected in Saturn's rings all come together as the Moon of Saturn moon. The Moon's diameter is only 100 kilometers.
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