Kon nichiwa Meaning Hello, midday, which is valid from now till the evening, sai sawang.Konbanwa Meaning Hello at night, which is when the darkness but for the words Hello midday and at night, the two words are not spoken to people who face every day, such as family members. People who work in offices or a friend studying together haha.Oyasumi nasai That night when you go to prosper, they will talk to his family (who are not sleeping, they will respond with words similar to this), or when you say goodbye to your friends now late at night, they say the same haha.Sayounara This term is used when saying goodbye to each other, but should be used in this case is not, or if you want from each other or would meet each other for a long time. If you are sure that you will meet again soon. It should also use the term Soredewa mata (polite) or Ja, mata (for now!) are better anyway because it means see you later.
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