I love life and my friend 2 years away. Born the year 2540 (1997) and 2542 (1999) Guangzhou is the brother of students. My sister is a student trainer pound bread as my sister is a student.Brother Kwang was born June 18, 1997.Brother Pang pounds was born January 19, 1999.
Me and two friends, aged between birth years 2540 and 2542 , Hart was a student. He is a student Pangpon Fraternity as a student I was born on June 18, 2540, Hart 's Pangpon born on January 19, 2542.
Me and my friend the age difference 2 years, was born and 2540 2542 brother deer is a student. She wanna be students. A sister is a student brother deer was born on June 18 2540 brother premiere was born on January 19 2542.