The geography location:
The Brazilian is a country with the largest in South America. And the largest 5 of the world. Territory east on Atlantic. And the coast on Uruguay, Argentine and Paraguayan south.Columbia, Venezuela, body,Suriname and French body Na North, Brazil it shares borders with countries in South America all countries except Chile. And Ecuador
area:,, 8 511 965 square kilometers (ground 8 456 510 square kilometers,,, the 55 455 ตารางกิโลเมตร) about 16.5 as Thailand
territorial extent: total 16 885 kilometers, the contact area with the Argentine, Bolivian 1 261 kilometers, 3 423 kilometers. Columbia, 1 644 kilometers French body Na 730.4 kilometers GA Na 1 606 kilometers, Paraguay, 1 365 kilometers, Peru, 2995 kilometers, Surinam 593 kilometers Uruguay, 1 068 kilometers and
Venezuela, 2 200 kilometers
designated Coast: 7,491 km
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