Take [n. Vt. Vi.] so, take it, give it
[n. Vt. Vi.] catch, seize, drag, pick up
[n. Vt. Vi.] take (time), eat (chess), drink, suction,. Eating
[n. Vt. Vi.] to use, there must be a
[n. Vt. Vi.] to hold, get, get, get, get
[n. Vt. Vi.] sense
[n. Vt. Vi]. Have (pride, pathetic)
[n. Vt.Vi.] catch (mind, eyes)
[n. Vt. Vi.] enchanted
[n. Vt. Vi.] written, arranged
[n. Vt. Vi.] that rent
[n. Vt. Vi.] (car, boat)
[, n. Vt. Vi.] bring, bring
[n. Vt. Vi.] (the exam).
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