.Christianity born by Jesus as a prophet from the Christian era, 1, but the Christian Christ believe Christianity, since God created the world and human being. The event before the birth of Jesus.Which Christians called the Messiah (Redeemer) is had to redeem the loan people freed from sin. The cause of suffering
Christianity was born in Israel and spread in Europe, become the religion of the Roman Empire from the 4th century Then spread out all over the world in the colonial period from 15 century onwards
.Christianity has three large denomination is Roman Catholic, the pope as head of state. The center in Rome, sect or ธอด redox. Mainly in the Eastern European countries and the Protestant denominations, which is broken down into นิกายต่างๆ.In Europe, the United States and around the world!
.Roman Catholic Church. Come in first. About Mid Century 16 when missionaries or missionary. Come from Melaka to missionary with the Portuguese. But it is only a short time.The missionaries came again in 17 century in the reign of Narai, mainly French missionary priest, which is a part. Be gracious to enter in the regular court.Such as medicine, astronomy, etc.!
.The missionaries established hospital. To provide services to the people and set a school to train people to be ordained a priest. ตั้งแต่สมัยกรุงศรีอยุธยา. And start working on both sides, in the period by the missionaries.Both men and women to support such as Gabriel, a brother or brother to help manage assumption in the introduction. It can process. Along with the school was established in its assumptionAgain, many of the Faculty of Saint Paul de ชาร์ตร์ is a priestess called sister, or Sir or mer or sisters of this to help religion. The school was established in the convent was santacruz convent.Convent of Saint Francis Xavier, Cisco convent assumption convent. Faculty of RI insulin to set the partner schools mater Dei college. Such as Rae Oh, ye Na Coeli Mai Bangkok. Besides, and so on.Affiliates Don Bosco, such as St. Dominic and many schools in the country.
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