How to use the microscope.Using light microscope (Light microscope) help as follows.1. Put the camera base on the smooth, uniform to barrel in an upright position.2. Rotate the objective lens (objective lens) was extended to meet the minimum load.3. Adjustable mirror under the pallet to reflect light into the barrel objects.4. The slide to study the palletized objects. Objects in the middle area of light through. Then look at the side contour pallet objects gradually rotate the coarse adjustment (coarse adjustment knob) ลำก camera move to near objects to study the most. Be careful not to objective lens in contact with the closed glass slide. The microscope, some models when rotated coarse adjustment of moving up and down toward the object lens near there. But some cameras version object objects will fulfill the pallet to scroll up and down toward the objective lens.5. Looking through the eyes eyepiece) down by LES (load. With rotating coarse adjustment up slowly to see objects to study quite clearly. Then they changed the rotated image button detail (fine adjustment knob) to adjust the image sharp, may move the slide to the elephant. So what to study in the middle of the barrels.6. If want to enlarge the bigger. To rotate the objective lens which is higher in the barrel extension, and don"t have to move the slide again. And then spin the fine adjustment knob to see more clearly.7. Adjusting the light into the barrel to more or less to rotate the plate diaphragm (diaphragm) adjust lighting needs.The microscope used in schools is the objective lens of difference such as the 2 1 one or a 3 and expanding difference May be expanding the lowest (x4) expanding medium (X10) and expanding the size, high (X40 X80) or its very high. To X100 and expanding of the lens is generally generally. X10 but some cameras that X5 or x15 expanding of the microscope can be calculated from the product"s ขยายของ objective lens with expanding of the eyepiece. Which is directed at the lens.
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