Vitamin for cats, there are six different formulas, is one. Taurine Paste containing taurine. Helps strengthen immunity Eye and heart (Taurine is an essential nutrient for cats. But cats can not create itself. Most of the division),
2. Malt-Soft Paste Extra, a blend of malt and fiber helps to reduce mass transport (Hairball Control) has aromas of malt
3. Multi-Vitamin Paste is an essential nutrient for cats. Nutrients include vitamins, 12 kinds
4. Prebiotic Paste with mixtures of pre-biotic TGOs intestine to help balance
the digestive system improved
5. Gras Paste is a mixture of zinc, biotin and lecithin gives hair shine. Reduced the loss of hair And gives the skin a healthy
6. Cheese Paste with Biotin is a major component and the sheet intensive nourishing hair. Shiny and strong
volume 3 kg per day. Suitable for kittens 6 weeks.
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