Production (Production)
the meaning of manufacturing production means bringing inputs including land, capital, labor and the ability to engage in through either process within the
.Under the technology level. Blend together to create products and services to meet the needs of human beings. In other words, is the production process add value or advantage
.Economic (economic utility) with various inputs, to meet the needs of people benefit most, samples of the production. Namely, the paddy rice through color process is to remove thread to e
.A piece of cloth, and medical services, education, transportation, etc.
from mentioned. Production must consist of making products or
.Service agencies. One of which is very useful in the economic utility based on the so-called human labor, both physical and ideas. The labor of the animal or machine tools of various
.Manufacturing is the process of changing state of the input (input) to produce (output) to
inputs (input). Mean, inputs, including raw materials or natural resources, material, capital and management of entrepreneurs
.Yield (output) means that result from the production process were 2 the goods and services
goods (goods). Mean yield tangible tangible is divided into
.- consumer goods (consumer goods) refers to consumer goods purchase to the daily life ประจำวันโดย straight
.Education industry (industrial goods) means the goods buyer supply to produce goods, services (service) means. The output from the production process of intangible value, price, but trading has divided into
.Service directly (direct services) is a service offered to consumers directly, in order to use the value of this service, such as hotels, tourism. Mass transit, etc.
.Service indirectly (indirect services) is to provide a manufacturer or trader. Who is the production and service to consumers, such as finance, insurance,
.Production system (Production System) means the production process is caused to create something up from resource use or inputs are available. The produce will follow the sequence of actions before and after.From the raw material will be converted into existing productivity in the form desired. In order to make the production achieve this. Therefore, it is necessary to have managed to stay in the form of a production system. Which contains the important part 3 parts.
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