1. pour the merit in tradition, in multiple time hana also made into mush-ball throw intended for Wikipedia to merit pour voyage began from the moment the Lord Buddha he came down from heaven: class trāyastriṃśa. Buddhist, so bring a lunch. gave offerings to the Lord Buddha. But people who get a lot of them have come to gaze into the devil. Some of the guys who can't put food away into a bat. So it must be done as the rice and toss until the priest is a popular tradition to the present day. To merit a RAID means pouring merit in the Buddhist lent Festival, according to the belief of the Buddhist monks that come from heaven: it is the day after slain trāyastriṃśa floor Lord Buddha's teachings Buddhist mother, the highest spiritual law or doctrine, please. "RAID" stands for the word "time" which means na polling down from devaloka meant when God has enlightened monks insist, then slain tot samphothi nan Lord please people in various cities of North India from Rajgir city of Varanasi. City of sravasti DUT to Guangzhou which is of God sermon bitu please God when all relatives and throngs of prayoon desires to fulfill your mother — after the birth, he has 7 days in a stupor and go as a hot shot in heaven, floor, Dusit. In the lent at 7 after enlightenment, the Buddha, so he came up to the Buddhist heaven, class trāyastriṃśa. Sermon Lord Buddha's teachings Buddhist monks highest spiritual law or doctrine is one of the favourite mother lent up to the date November 11, so he came down from heaven, came a trāyastriṃśa floor city sankassa. Citizens took to the Buddha to merit some densely measure did in the Buddhist lent, is the 11th month some of it done in the next day, November 11th is the date the cooperative agreement and all the way home and Temple. Summoning ceremony of a temple, the Buddha is enshrined in butbok, which is located on the wheel, go slowly. Leading Buddhist monks. Monks hold a priest walking along by respectively. Buddhist, everyone brought food lined in rows along the way, it will pass to butbok to merit its use to merit pour RAID. Apart from the regular food is rice, fish, there are also mud underneath and rice porridge, boiled rice ball toss too. That the Buddha Buddhist throne to trāyastriṃśa class is just heaven. It's because God wants to give his mother the Buddha achieve transcendent fairly top in Buddhism. 2. certain annual Royal ceremony tradition, is considered an important tradition that is the passage of one of the Buddhist period of 1 month after the Buddhist lent day November 11 to mid-12.
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