Theatre on the beach Art Center is one of the most popular in the world. Launched officially on October 12 2002, the original opening in 1943 and is located on the Park, which now has an area of approximately 24 hectares (2.4,0 sq. m.), Connaught Street side (Connaught Drive) is located opposite the City Hall (City Hall) in 1985, the Government has a project to create a Centre for Arts in Singapore and deemed that the Esplanade is the most appropriate location. 1991 to the beauty of the civic district, Lake Zurich (Civic District), and is a Centre for Arts in the year 1992, a team of architects, which includes company DP r Ki-tech (DP Architechs) (Singapore) and Michael-lofot & partner (Michael Wilford & Partners). Has been selected to design the Center, to be built in trouble single valuable connections between past and present.
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