Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, on 28 October. 1955 father named Mr. William S gates, Jr. is the legal profession of the company. Mother's name Mary Maxwell gates, member of the board of Berkshire, HathawayFirst Interstate Bank Pacific Northwest Bell, and National Board of United Way his full name is William Henry Gates. Third, his grandfather is William Henry Gates, Sr.
.He went to school at the lakeside As the best high school in Seattle. There he developed skills in computer programming with Minicomputer in
.Later, Bill Gates to study at Harvard University. But be suspended without graduating. In order to start a career in software development
.While studying at Harvard. He had a chance to get to know Steve Balmer, one of the co-founder of Microsoft company To become a world renowned currently
.A businessman and billionaire another world, not a degree, but he used the ability ที่ตนเอง, push and intended to eventually succeed
the bill. Gates, income and assets, worth 72700 million, up from last year 16%. From the stock of the Microsoft that add value doubled 5 years
.Though he will be crowned the billionaire 1 in 5 of the world, but his life is not อู้ฟู่ or luxurious but
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