เมื่อเราขึงผ้าตึงพอแล้วแต่อย่าให้ตึงมากเกินไปลวดจะย่นและดัดกลีบไม่ได้เ การแปล - เมื่อเราขึงผ้าตึงพอแล้วแต่อย่าให้ตึงมากเกินไปลวดจะย่นและดัดกลีบไม่ได้เ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
When we stretched fabric taut enough but don't give too much tension wire to shorten and bending petals are not because the fabric is unfolded petals up to haul clothes may have missing steps round the thread we use '' or '' Mrs. Kang beside that we catch the fabric collections help to catch the end of the thread by using the tool.Next to send the thread at the end of the middle finger or the side of the fabric collection, she captured the other hand towel collection ends point beside the loop 2 enough thread of thousands around a bundle of yarn pulled tightly around 2 thousand multiple-thread I dont khrong clues are hard to thread the yarn into the thick of it is emitted.The basic deposit before making flowers out of nylon fabric.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
When we stretched tight enough, and cloth, but don't strain too much wire will be wrinkles and waves will be a cloth petals is not because it is not petals spread out a cloth to hold back until it may be lacking. The process we use to make a thread ring finger or fingers spread out on the side of the cloth to collect we catch up with the hand of the other end and thread.Send a thread end beside the middle finger or cloth gathered beside her, and then hold the point of destination, gathered with the hand of the other arm, around 2 thousand scarlet thread pull tied tightly at 2 do not spam because of a thread several times and thread will be difficult to flower into thick yarn will come out. This was a WithamThe basic color brought forward before the flowers will come to you from gossamer cloth
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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