The Academy's Scientific Council of Sweden. Announced on Monday (12 October), the annual Nobel Prize in economics in 2015 for "Angel Gustavo good solid" for his analysis in terms of consumption. Poverty and Welfare,
the Swedish Academy's Scientific Council identified. With the importance of the link between the consumption decisions of individuals. The effects of the economy as a whole. His work has helped change the microeconomics. Macroeconomics And development economics
"of economic policies designed to promote the general welfare and reduce poverty. We need to understand about the options in the consumption of each person before the first Angel Gustavo nice ton have helped increase understanding in this matter than anyone else, "a statement of the Academy's Council identified
a ton of accolades in time. This is the third piece of his achievements include developing a system for assessing the needs of various goods. That he made with John Samuel delete Neuer during the year 1980, to study the link between consumption and income he made on the 1990, measuring the standard of living and poverty. In developing countries
a ton in his 69th year as a professor of economics and international affairs. At Princeton University in the United States since. In 1983 he received the prize of 8 million Swedish Krona from the announcement of the Nobel Prize, this time.
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